As a customer, do not enter your credit card info on online websites anymore. As a merchant, do not need to capture or store credit cards info on your website. All payments are secured by EMV security chip provided by VISA and MasterCard.
Pay less transaction fee and earn more! Credit card network providers like VISA and MasterCard charge higher fees for insecure online payments aka Card-not-Present. Use Slap.n.Pay to transforms your transactions to Card-Present category and pay less fees.
Tap your card to your phone and pay anytime and anywhere. No need to enter card numbers, expiration date, billing address, etc. No registration is required, even your credit card info. Only a mobile number is enough to pay by tapping any card to your phone.
We have a solid background in cryptography and smart card industry. Our experience is in electronic passport, national ID card, payment cards, healthcare records and public key infrastructure.
Start researching on new FinTech technologies like blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and NFC payments.
We established a new company to work on our FinTech ideas. Slap.n.Pay is a spin-off from Xeba Technologies, LLC.
We shifted our works on mobile payments and NFC technologies and emerging EMV contactless cards.
We create an easy yet secure mobile payment tool. Slap.n.Pay is a new way for purchasing online and pay on the customer smartphone.